6 September 2024

Letter from Margarita Andronova, Director General of ITMCFM

Dear colleagues and Friends,

As of September 9th, I will be stepping down from my position as Director General of ITMCFM.

I look back fondly on the years we have worked together. Each of you has played a significant role in my life, offering invaluable experiences both professionally and personally. Together, we have made a tremendous journey, a journey full of challenging and exciting cases and projects.

Today, I extend my deepest gratitude to all of you. Our achievements have been the result of years of shared effort, dedication, support, and understanding.

It has been a privilege to work with you, both on a professional and personal level.

Soon, you will be introduced to the new head of ITMCFM. I encourage you to welcome them with the same warmth you showed me upon my arrival. Share your extensive knowledge and experience to help them transition smoothly into their new role. I have every confidence that you will continue to enjoy a productive and fulfilling collaboration.

I will certainly follow your future successes with great interest.

It's not a farewell, but a "see you soon."

With sincere respect and best regards,
Margarita Andronova

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