Olympiad’s profile: Financial security
Languages: Russian, English
Official website: Rosfinolypm, Sodruzhestvo platform
Objectives of the Olympiad
The International Olympiad on Financial Security aims to:
- Provide school and university students an opportunity to showcase their personal, cross-disciplinary, and subject-specific knowledge in financial and information (computer) security;
- Foster and increase enthusiasm among school and university students regarding financial security, countering criminal financial activities and avoiding involvement in such transactions;
- Identify young talents with exceptional skills, knowledge, and abilities relevant to financial security;
- Promote academic knowledge and cultivate a scientific worldview among the public to ensure financial security;
- Support professional guidance for school and university students.
IV International Olympiad on Financial Security
- Bachelor’s students (1st-3rd year), Specialist’s students (1st-4th year), and Master’s students (1st year) from higher educational institutions of participating countries
- School students in grades 8-10 from Russia.
The Olympiad consists of five stages:
- Lesson on Financial Security – No Child’s Play: How not to Become Involved in Financial Crime
Dates: February 14 – March 15, 2024
Organized at schools in participating countries and other organizations as per the event plan
- Invitation stage
Dates: March 4 – 22, 2024
Conducted online on the Sodruzhestvo platform
- Eliminatory stage (Registration: March 15 – April 10, 2024)
1st round: April 10 – 13, 2024; conducted online on the Sodruzhestvo platform
2nd round: April 17 – 19, 2024; conducted at INI member universities, including remote participation
- Qualifying stage
Dates: September 2 – 6, 2024
Conducted remotely on the Sodruzhestvo platform
- Final
Dates: September 30 – October 4, 2024
Conducted in mixed format (both in-person and remotely, as established by the organizers) at Sirius Federal Territory
Olympiad tasks
For school students - based on the general education curricula in mathematics, information technology, and social studies.
For university students – based on higher education curricula in:
- Law;
- Mathematics, applied mathematics and computer science, applied mathematics, mathematics and computer science, fundamental computer science and information technology, computer science and computer engineering, applied computer science, information security;
- Economics, finance, and credit, economic security;
- International relations, international regional studies.
Olympiad winners and prize-winners
Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad will be determined based on a rating table according to the points earned by the contestants.
Winning school students will be granted preferential admission to Bachelor's and Specialist's programs at Russian universities. Prize-winners are considered equivalent to individuals who scored maximum points on the Uniform State Exam in a relevant general education subject.
The winners and prize-winners will receive prizes and gifts, along with invitations to interviews or internships from potential employers.
All contestants of the Olympiad will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Organizers of the Olympiad
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Federal Financial Monitoring Service, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, member universities of the International Network AML/CFT Institute
Partners of the Olympiad
Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, foreign financial intelligence units, other authorized state bodies of Russia's partner states; Promsvyazbank PJSC, as well as other organizations engaged in the organization of the Olympiad in accordance with the established procedure.
Coordinator of the Olympiad
The International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring (ITMCFM) coordinates the efforts of educational and scientific institutions - members of the International Network AML/CFT Institute.
Olympiad documents
Governing provisions
Presentation of the No Child’s games: How to Avoid Becoming an Accomplice to Financial Crimes national theme lesson 2024
Methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the national theme lesson
Guidelines for the presentation of the national theme lesson
Learn more at:
www.fedsfm.ru (Federal Financial Monitoring Service)
www.mumcfm.ru (ITMCFM)
www.rudn.ru (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)
Participation in the Olympiad is free of charge.
The financial support for the final stage of the Olympiad will be provided by the organizers and partners.