Partner organizations providing training in the form of AML/CFT targeted briefing course and increased knowledge based on cooperation agreements concluded with the ITMCFM.
In accordance with the legal requirements of the Russian Federation, employees of organizations engaged in transactions with funds or other assets, as well as individual entrepreneurs specified in Article 5 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of August 7, 2001 «On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism» shall undergo appropriate AML/CFT training.
Training requirements for personnel of organizations engaged in transactions with monetary funds or other assets, as well as for individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the area of providing legal or accounting services, inter alia special officers, to counter legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism, including the terms and procedure for accreditation of organizations conducting training activities, are established by the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, and in terms of the specified requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs, which have supervisory authorities in their field of activity, are established in coordination with the relevant supervisory authority.
In accordance with Order of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service dated August 3, 2010 No. 203 «On Adoption of the Training Requirements Regulations for Personnel of Organizations Engaged in Transactions with Monetary Funds or Other Assets to Counter Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism», employees of organizations engaged in transactions with monetary funds or other assets (except for credit institutions) are required to undergo training to counter legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism.
AML/CFT targeted briefing program is established by Order of Rosfinmonitoring dated July 19, 2011 No. 250 «On Establishment of Targeted Briefing Training Program for Employees of Organizations Engaged in Transactions with Monetary Funds or Other Assets».
The ITMCFM provides centralized record keeping of:
- educational and other organizations conducting targeted briefing training;
- persons who have completed targeted briefing training;
- issued Certificates.