From March 02-06, 2024, at the World Youth Festival, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, ITMCFM, and Promsvyazbank will present the International Movement on Financial Security and its key technology platform – Sodruzhestvo!
Supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the International Movement on Financial Security brings together experts and practitioners, young professionals, school and university students, all those who care about their nations' future financial landscape. The Movement is organized based on the annual International Olympiad on Financial Security, attended by 6 million school and university students from 19 countries over the past 3 years.
Spanning diverse locales, be it schools or universities, and transcending geographical boundaries, the Movement finds cohesion through the Sodruzhestvo platform. Here members can communicate online, make friends, take courses, and continuously improve their personal and professional skills.
At the Sodruzhestvo booth, representatives from the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, ITMCFM, and Promsvyazbank will extend a guided tour of the platform, inviting visitors of the World Youth Festival to test their knowledge in a financial quiz and conduct a virtual investigation in the Graphus-VR game. In addition, Promsvyazbank and ITMCFM experts will help visitors to sign up on the Sodruzhestvo platform and share how to take part in the Invitation Stage of the International Olympiad on Financial Security, starting on March 4.
As part of the World Youth Festival, the ITMCFM will host a competition for schoolchildren, i.e., the Financial Intelligence Officer board game, similar to Mafia. In the game, the youngest attendees of the Festival will be invited to take part in a financial case, assume the roles of intelligence officers, bankers, fraudsters, corruptors, and prosecutors – and find out who is who.