1 April 2022

The 16th meeting of the INI Council

On April 1, 2022, the 16th meeting of the Council of the International Network AML/CFT Institute (INI) was held in Moscow.

The event was attended in person by representatives of research centers, INI member universities and financial intelligence officers from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as by representatives of China, Turkmenistan and a number of Russian universities who participated in the meeting in virtual mode.

The meeting was conducted by the Chairman of the INI Council, Director of Rosfinmonitoring Yu. Chikhanchin. In his welcome speech, the head of financial intelligence unit of Russia noted that the wide range of participants once again demonstrate the integrity between education, science, and practice, and the issues under discussion require the consolidation of knowledge of the university and expert community.

The main agenda issue of the Council meeting became the holding of the 2nd International Financial Security Olympiad. This year, the Olympiad is divided into three events: a lesson on financial security for pupils, the 1st and 2nd stages of the Olympiad, and the development of the “Sodruzhestvo” digital platform, which, in the future, should unite pupils, students, teachers and members of the expert community around the Olympiad.

Yu. Chikhanchin: "The Olympiad creates conditions for organization of the international youth movement and community in the area of financial security, unites pupils and students with professors and teachers of the International Network AML/CFT Institute, as well as experts of financial intelligence units of Russia s partner states in the international anti–money laundering system… It is for the organization of the youth movement and the expansion of its geography that the “Sodruzhestvo” digital platform is intended. It will allow you to maintain communication in the period between Olympiads, bring new knowledge and accompany each user."

A. Lavrenko, Deputy Head of the Presidential Civil Service and Personnel Directorate of the Russian Federation, addressed the participants of the meeting with a welcoming speech.

A. Lavrenko: "The International Network AML/CFT Institute has created an effective educational space in the Russian Federation and partner states, ensuring the progressive development of the entire AML/CFT education system, allowing anti-money laundering system specialists to interact and exchange information on a wide range of problems in this area, as well as to improve their professional level. The Olympiad becomes an important step in the successful development of the entire system of training in the field of financial security, laying a solid foundation for the human resources capacity of Russia and partner states in the international system."   

Director of the Department of State Policy and Management in the field of General Education of the Ministry of Education M. Kostenko noted that today financial education is necessary for everyone, and primarily for the younger generation:

M. Kostenko: "The Ministry of Education always welcomes with great enthusiasm all the initiatives of Rosfinmonitoring in the field of education, and in particular – the excellent experience of organizing the All-Russian thematic lesson on financial security. This year, all constituent entities of the Russian Federation have received recommendations on conducting such a lesson."

Representatives of universities, scientific and training centers participating in the INI took part in the discussion of agenda issues: General Director of the ITMCFM M. Andronova, Rector of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) O. Yastrebov, Rector of the Siberian Federal University M. Rumyantsev, Rector of the Moscow University of Finance and Law A. Zabelin, Rector of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" V. Shevchenko, Rector of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University A. Rudskoy, Vice-Rector of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics A. Nikulin, Director of the Training and Methodology Center of the State Financial Intelligence Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic L. Omurbekova, Deputy General Director of the ITMCFM – Director of the INI V. Ovchinnikov and other participants of the meeting.

The Council decided to include new participants in the International Network AML/CFT Institute  – Tajik National University, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Novosibirsk State Technical University, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia).

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